Source code for pycube.core.manip

""" Module of helpful functions to aid PSF subtraction and emission searching modules in pycube
import extinction
import numpy as np
import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats
import astropy.coordinates as coord
import astropy.units as u

from photutils import CircularAperture
from photutils import CircularAnnulus
from photutils import aperture_photometry
from photutils import EllipticalAperture
from photutils import centroids
from astroquery.irsa_dust import IrsaDust

[docs]def nice_plot(): """Universal plotting parameters in place for debug outputs of functions """ print("nice_plot: Setting rcParams") plt.rcParams[""] = True plt.rcParams["ytick.right"] = True plt.rcParams["xtick.minor.visible"] = True plt.rcParams["ytick.minor.visible"] = True plt.rcParams["ytick.direction"] = 'in' plt.rcParams["xtick.direction"] = 'in' plt.rcParams["xtick.major.size"] = 6 plt.rcParams["ytick.major.size"] = 6 plt.rcParams["xtick.minor.size"] = 3 plt.rcParams["ytick.minor.size"] = 3 plt.rcParams["xtick.labelsize"] = 30 plt.rcParams["ytick.labelsize"] = 30 plt.rcParams["xtick.major.width"] = 1 plt.rcParams["ytick.major.width"] = 1 plt.rcParams["xtick.minor.width"] = 1 plt.rcParams["ytick.minor.width"] = 1 plt.rcParams["axes.linewidth"] = 2 plt.rcParams["axes.labelsize"] = 25 plt.rcParams["lines.linewidth"] = 3 plt.rcParams["lines.markeredgewidth"] = 3 plt.rcParams["patch.linewidth"] = 5 plt.rcParams["hatch.linewidth"] = 5 plt.rcParams["font.size"] = 30 plt.rcParams["legend.frameon"] = True plt.rcParams["legend.handletextpad"] = 1
[docs]def find_sigma(data): """Simple expression to calculate Sigma quickly. Taking square root of the median value of an array. Parameters ---------- data : np.array 2D array of interest to generate sigma value Returns ------- float Sigma value of given 2D array, ignoring NaNs """ return np.sqrt(np.nanmedian(data))
[docs]def channel_array(datacube, channel): """Given a 3D data cube, and a channel (x,y,z), creates a numpy array of values of channel range Parameters ---------- datacube : np.array 3D datacube to create range of channel values channel : str Dimension to create array from Returns ------- np.array Range array of length of given dimension """ channel_vals = ['x', 'X', 'y', 'Y', 'z', 'Z'] channel = str(channel) z_max, y_max, x_max = np.shape(datacube) if channel == 'x' or channel == 'X': channel_range = np.arange(0, x_max, 1, int) elif channel == 'y' or channel == 'Y': channel_range = np.arange(0, y_max, 1, int) elif channel == 'z' or channel == 'Z': channel_range = np.arange(0, z_max, 1, int) else: raise ValueError('correct input for function is one of the following:', channel_vals) del channel_vals del z_max, y_max, x_max return channel_range
[docs]def convert_to_wave(datacontainer, datacube, channels='z'): """Converts channel values in 3D MUSE data into wavelength values along z axis (wavelength). Specifically works with .FITS formatted MUSE data. Utilizes header vals ('CRVAL3' and 'CD3_3') Parameters ---------- datacontainer : IFUcube object data initialized in datacube : np.array 3D array to be converted to wavelengths channels : str, optional Channel dimension ('x', 'y', 'z' or 'X', 'Y', 'Z') to create wavelength range array (default: 'z') Returns ------- np.array An array of wavelength values for given channel """ data_headers = datacontainer.get_data_header() data_channel_range = channel_array(datacube, channels) data_wave = data_headers['CRVAL3'] + (np.array(data_channel_range) * data_headers['CD3_3']) return np.array(data_wave, float)
[docs]def convert_to_channel(datacontainer, datacube, channels='z'): """Converts wavelength values in 3D MUSE data into channel value along z axis Specifically works with .FITS formatted MUSE data. Parameters ---------- datacontainer : IFUcube data initialized in datacube : np.array 3D data array to be converted to channel channels : str, optional Channel dimension ('x', 'y', 'z' or 'X', 'Y', 'Z') to create channel range array (default: 'z') Returns ------- np.array An array of channel values for given wavelength """ data_headers = datacontainer.get_data_header() channel_range = channel_array(datacube, channels) channel = np.array(channel_range) - data_headers['CRVAL3'] / data_headers['CD3_3'] return np.array(channel, float)
[docs]def collapse_cube(datacube, min_lambda=None, max_lambda=None, mask_z=None): """ Given a 3D data/stat cube .FITS file, this function collapses along the z-axis given a range of values. If mask_z is specified, the function will remove all channels masked as 1. Parameters ---------- datacube : np.array 3D data cube min_lambda : int, optional Minimum wavelength to collapse file max_lambda : int, optional Maximum wavelength to collapse file mask_z : np.array, optional range of z-axis values to mask when collapsing Returns ------- np.array Condensed 2D array of 3D file. """ datacopy = np.copy(datacube) z_max, y_max, x_max = np.shape(datacopy) # Checks and resets if outside boundaries of z if max_lambda is None or max_lambda > z_max: max_lambda = z_max print("collapse_cube : Exceeded / unspecified wavelength in data cube. " "Max value is set to {}".format(int(z_max))) if min_lambda is None or min_lambda < 0: min_lambda = 0 print("collapse_cube : Invalid / unspecified minimum wavelength. Min value is set to 0") if mask_z is not None: datacopy[mask_z, :, :] = np.nan # Sums values between specifications, ignoring NaNs col_cube = np.nansum(datacopy[min_lambda:max_lambda, :, :], axis=0) del datacopy del z_max, y_max, x_max return col_cube
[docs]def collapse_mean_cube(datacube, statcube, min_lambda=None, max_lambda=None, mask_z=None): """Given 3D arrays of data and variance, this function collapses it along the z-axis between min_lambda and max_lambda. If mask_z is given, channels masked as 1 (or True) are removed. The macro uses the stat information to perform a weighted mean along the velocity axis. In other words, each spaxel of the resulting image will be the weighted mean spectrum of that spaxels along the wavelengths. Parameters ---------- datacube : np.array 3D data file statcube : np.array 3D variance file min_lambda : int minimum wavelength to collapse cube max_lambda : int maximum wavelength to collapse cube mask_z : np.array if specified, channels masked as 1 will be removed when collapsed Returns ------- np.arrays 2D collapsed and averaged data and variance cubes """ temp_collapsed_data = collapse_cube(datacube, min_lambda, max_lambda, mask_z=mask_z) temp_collapsed_stat = collapse_cube(statcube, min_lambda, max_lambda, mask_z=mask_z) temp_collapsed_stat = 1. / temp_collapsed_stat bad_pix = np.isnan(temp_collapsed_data) | np.isnan(temp_collapsed_stat) # to deal with np.nan a weight of (almost) zero is given to bad_pix temp_collapsed_data[bad_pix] = 0. temp_collapsed_stat[bad_pix] = np.nanmin(temp_collapsed_stat) / 1000. collapsed_data, collapsed_weights = np.average(temp_collapsed_data, weights=temp_collapsed_stat, axis=0, returned=True) collapsed_stat = 1. / collapsed_weights plt.imshow(temp_collapsed_stat) print("collapse_mean_cube: Images produced") # preserve memory del temp_collapsed_data del temp_collapsed_stat del collapsed_weights return collapsed_data, collapsed_stat
[docs]def collapse_container(datacontainer, min_lambda=None, max_lambda=None, mask_z=None, var_thresh=5.): """ Given an IFUcube, this function collapses along the z-axis given a range of values. If mask_z is specified, it will remove values masked as 1. If no variance (stat) data exists, it will be generated from the data. Parameters ---------- datacontainer : IFUcube object data passed through min_lambda : int, optional Minimum wavelength max_lambda : int, optional Maximum wavelength mask_z : np.array, optional range of z-axis values that the user can mask in the datacube var_thresh : int, float, optional if no variance in container, this value determines standard deviation threshold to create variance cube from data (default is 5.) Returns ------- np.array Condensed 2D array of 3D file. """ # pulls information from IFU object datacopy, statcopy = datacontainer.get_data_stat() z_max, y_max, x_max = np.shape(datacopy) # Checks and sets if outside boundaries of z if max_lambda is None or max_lambda > z_max: max_lambda = z_max print("collapse_container: Exceeded / unspecified wavelength in data cube. " "Max value is set to {}".format(int(z_max))) if min_lambda is None or min_lambda < 0: min_lambda = 0 print("collapse_container: Invalid / unspecified minimum wavelength. Min value is set to 0") if mask_z is not None: datacopy[mask_z, :, :] = np.nan col_datacube = np.nansum(datacopy[min_lambda:max_lambda, :, :], axis=0) if statcopy is not None: if mask_z is not None: statcopy[mask_z, :, :] = np.nan col_statcube = np.nansum(statcopy[min_lambda:max_lambda, :, :], axis=0) else: # generation of variance stemming from dataset med_cube = np.nanmedian(col_datacube) std_cube = np.nanstd(col_datacube - med_cube) tmp_col_statcube =\ np.zeros_like(col_datacube) + np.nanvar(col_datacube[(col_datacube - med_cube) < (var_thresh * std_cube)]) if mask_z is not None: tmp_col_statcube[mask_z, :, :] = np.nan col_statcube = np.nansum(tmp_col_statcube[min_lambda:max_lambda, :, :], axis=0) del tmp_col_statcube del med_cube del std_cube del datacopy del statcopy del z_max, y_max, x_max return col_datacube, col_statcube
[docs]def collapse_mean_container(datacontainer, min_lambda=None, max_lambda=None, mask_z=None, threshold=5.): """Given an IFUcube, collapse it along the z-axis between min_lambda and max_lambda. If mask_z is given, channels masked as 1 (or True) are removed. The macro uses the stat information to perform a weighted mean along the velocity axis. In other words, each spaxel of the resulting image will be the weighted mean spectrum of that spaxels along the wavelengths. Parameters ---------- datacontainer : IFUcube object data passed through min_lambda : int, optional minimum wavelength to collapse cube max_lambda : int, optional maximum wavelength to collapse cube mask_z : np.array, optional if specified, will remove channels masked with 1 threshold : int, float, optional if no variance file in data, variance is created from the data. Parameter changes threshold of standard deviation for the creation of this variance (default is 5.) Returns ------- np.array collapsed data and variance """ temp_collapsed_data, temp_collapsed_stat = collapse_container(datacontainer, min_lambda, max_lambda, mask_z=mask_z, var_thresh=threshold) temp_collapsed_stat = 1. / temp_collapsed_stat bad_pix = np.isnan(temp_collapsed_data) | np.isnan(temp_collapsed_stat) # to deal with np.nan a weight of (almost) zero is given to badPix temp_collapsed_data[bad_pix] = 0. temp_collapsed_stat[bad_pix] = np.nanmin(temp_collapsed_stat) / 1000. collapsed_data, collapsed_weights = np.average(temp_collapsed_data, weights=temp_collapsed_stat, axis=0, returned=True) collapsed_stat = 1. / collapsed_weights # preserve memory del temp_collapsed_data del temp_collapsed_stat del collapsed_weights return collapsed_data, collapsed_stat
[docs]def location(data_flat, x_position=None, y_position=None, semi_maj=None, semi_min=None, theta=0.): """User input function to create elliptical mask of given coordinates for a source in an image. Works also for multiple position inputs to create a mask of all sources present. Parameters ---------- data_flat : np.array 2D collapsed image x_position : int, float, optional User given x coord of stellar object y_position : int, float, optional User given y coord of stellar object semi_maj : int, float, optional Semi-major axis (default is 10) semi_min : int, float, optional Semi-minor axis default (default is 6) theta : int, float, optional Angle for ellipse rotation around object (default is 0) Returns ------- np.array Mask of 2D array of with user defined stellar objects denoted as 1 with all other elements 0 """ mask_array = np.zeros_like(data_flat) mask_shape = np.shape(data_flat) x_mask, y_mask = mask_shape object_position = (x_position, y_position) if semi_maj is None: semi_maj = 10 print("location: Missing semi-major axis <- setting pixel value to {}".format(semi_maj)) if semi_min is None: semi_min = 6 print("location: Missing semi-minor axis <- setting pixel value to {}".format(semi_min)) if x_position is None: print("location: Please specify location of the object") return mask_array # returned mask of zeros elif type(x_position) is int or type(x_position) is float: print("location: single source identified") theta_rad = (theta * np.pi) / 180. # converts angle degrees to radians object_ellipse = EllipticalAperture(object_position, semi_maj, semi_min, theta_rad) ellipse_mask = object_ellipse.to_mask(method="center").to_image(shape=(x_mask, y_mask)) mask_array += ellipse_mask else: # accounts for single input of angle and semi-diameter values # creates full arrays of the specified value to apply to all objects if type(theta) is int or type(theta) is float: theta = np.zeros_like(x_position) if type(semi_min) is int or type(semi_min) is float: semi_min = np.full_like(x_position, semi_min) if type(semi_maj) is int or type(semi_maj) is float: semi_maj = np.full_like(x_position, semi_maj) # masking for multiple source input (array of (x,y)) for index in range(0, len(x_position), 1): object_position = [x_position[index], y_position[index]] theta_rad = (theta[index] * np.pi) / 180. # converts angle degrees to radians object_ellipse = EllipticalAperture(object_position, semi_maj[index], semi_min[index], theta_rad) ellipse_mask = object_ellipse.to_mask(method="center").to_image(shape=(x_mask, y_mask)) mask_array += ellipse_mask # preserve memory del object_ellipse del ellipse_mask del object_position del x_mask del y_mask return np.array((mask_array > 0.), int)
[docs]def annular_mask(data_flat, x_pos, y_pos, semi_maj=5., semi_min=5., delta_maj=2., delta_min=2., theta=0.): """Returning a mask where annuli centered in x_pos and y_pos with inner axis (semi_maj, semi_min) and with outer axis (semi_maj + delta_maj, semi_min + delta_min) are marked as 1. Parameters ---------- data_flat : np.array data in a 2D array. The mask will have the same size of this. x_pos : np.array x-location of the sources in pixels y_pos : np.array y-location of the sources in pixels semi_maj : float, optional inner semi-major axis in pixel (default is 5.) semi_min : float, optional inner semi-minor axis in pixel (default is 5.) delta_maj : float, optional width of the semi-major axis in pixel (default is 2.) delta_min : float, optional width of the semi-minor axis in pixel (default is 2.) theta : float, optional angle wrt the x-axis in degrees (default is 0.) Returns ------- np.array mask where sources are marked with 1 and background with 0. It has the same dimensions of the input datacube """ # Creating mask img_msk = location(data_flat, x_pos, y_pos, semi_maj=semi_maj + delta_maj, semi_min=semi_min + delta_min, theta=theta) inner_img_mask = location(data_flat, x_pos, y_pos, semi_maj=semi_maj, semi_min=semi_min, theta=theta) img_msk[(inner_img_mask > 0)] = 0 # Cleaning up memory del inner_img_mask return img_msk.astype(int)
[docs]def small_cube(datacontainer, min_lambda=None, max_lambda=None): """Given an IFUcube, this function collapses along min_lambda and max_lambda. It also updates the wavelength information to be conformed to the new size. Note that min_lambda and max_lambda can be given both as wavelength and as channels. If the input value is <3000. it will be assumed to be channel number, otherwise wavelength in Angstrom will be considered. Parameters ---------- datacontainer : IFUcube object data intialized in min_lambda : int, optional min channel to create collapsed image max_lambda : int, optional max channel to create collapsed image Returns ------- s_primary_headers : hdu header primary header s_data_headers : hdu header fits header for DATA with corrected CRVAL3 s_datacopy : np.array data in a 3D array trim from min_lambda to max_lambda s_stat_headers : hdu header fits header for STAT with corrected CRVAL3 s_statcopy : np.array variance in a 3D array trim from min_lambda to max_lambda """ # assignment of variables to all information from IFU cube primary_headers = datacontainer.get_primary() datacopy, statcopy = datacontainer.get_data_stat() data_headers, stat_headers = datacontainer.get_headers() # Check for the size of the cube z_max, y_max, x_max = np.shape(datacopy) # Setting min and max channels for collapsing if (min_lambda is not None) & (max_lambda is not None): min_channel_sort = np.min([min_lambda, max_lambda]) max_channel_sort = np.max([min_lambda, max_lambda]) min_lambda, max_lambda = min_channel_sort, max_channel_sort del min_channel_sort del max_channel_sort # set values in case of Nones if min_lambda is None: print("small_cube: min_lambda set to 0") min_lambda = 0 if max_lambda is None: print("small_cube: max_lambda set to {}".format(int(z_max))) max_lambda = int(z_max) # If input values are larger than 3000., the macro converts from # wavelength in ang. to channel number. if min_lambda > 3000.: print("small_cube: Converting min wavelength in Ang. to channel number") min_lambda = int((np.array(min_lambda - data_headers['CRVAL3']) / data_headers['CD3_3'])) else: min_lambda = int(min_lambda) if max_lambda > 3000.: print("small_cube: Converting Max wavelength in Ang. to channel number") max_lambda = int((np.array(max_lambda - data_headers['CRVAL3']) / data_headers['CD3_3'])) else: max_lambda = int(max_lambda) # Check for upper and lower limits if min_lambda < 0: print("small_cube: Negative value for min_lambda set to 0") min_lambda = int(0) if max_lambda > (z_max + 1): print("small_cube: max_lambda is outside the cube size. Set to {}".format(int(z_max))) max_lambda = int(z_max) # updates CRVAL3 of new data cube small_cube_CRVAL3 = float(np.array(data_headers['CRVAL3'] + (np.array(min_lambda) * data_headers['CD3_3']))) print("small_cube: Creating smaller cube") print(" The old pivot wavelength was {}".format(data_headers['CRVAL3'])) print(" The new pivot wavelength is {}".format(small_cube_CRVAL3)) # Header s_primary_headers = copy.deepcopy(primary_headers) # DATA s_data_headers = copy.deepcopy(data_headers) s_data_headers['CRVAL3'] = small_cube_CRVAL3 s_datacopy = np.copy(datacopy[min_lambda:max_lambda, :, :]) # STAT s_stat_headers = copy.deepcopy(stat_headers) s_stat_headers['CRVAL3'] = small_cube_CRVAL3 s_statcopy = np.copy(statcopy[min_lambda:max_lambda, :, :]) return s_primary_headers, s_data_headers, s_datacopy, s_stat_headers, s_statcopy
[docs]def dust_correction(datacontainer): """Function queries the IRSA dust map for E(B-V) value and returns a reddening array. Works along z-axis of datacube The query return E(B_V) from SFD (1998). This will be converted to the S&F (2011) one using: E(B-V)S&F = 0.86 * E(B-V)SFD Parameters ---------- datacontainer : np.array 3D .fits file array / IFU cube object Returns ------- reddata, redstat : np.array galactic dust corrected 3D arrays for data and variance """ reddata, redstat = datacontainer.get_data_stat() channel_range = channel_array(reddata, 'z') # creates channel along z-axis headers = datacontainer.get_primary() ra = headers['RA'] dec = headers['DEC'] wavecube = convert_to_wave(datacontainer, reddata) # creates wavelength value cube along z-axis coordinates = coord.SkyCoord(ra * u.deg, dec * u.deg, frame='fk5') try: dust_image = IrsaDust.get_images(coordinates, radius=5. * u.deg, image_type='ebv', timeout=60)[0] except TimeoutError: print("Increasing dust image radius to 10deg") dust_image = IrsaDust.get_images(coordinates, radius=10. * u.deg, image_type='ebv', timeout=60)[0] y_size, x_size = dust_image[0].data.shape ebv = 0.86 * np.mean(dust_image[0].data[y_size - 2:y_size + 2, x_size - 2:x_size + 2]) r_v = 3.1 av = r_v * ebv reddened_wave = extinction.fm07(wavecube, av) for channel in channel_range: reddata[channel, :, :] *= reddened_wave[channel] redstat[channel, :, :] *= (reddened_wave[channel] ** 2) return reddata, redstat
[docs]def quick_ap_photometry(datacopy, statcopy, x_pos, y_pos, radius_pos=2., inner_rad=10., outer_rad=15.): """Performing quick circular aperture photometry on an image. An annular region with inner radius [inner_rad] and outer radius [outer_rad] will be used to estimate the background. Parameters ---------- datacopy : np.array image where the aperture photometry will be performed statcopy : np.array variance image that will be used to calculate the errors on the aperture photometry x_pos : int, float, np.array x-location of the source in pixel (converts to array) y_pos : int, float, np.array y-location of the source in pixel (converts to array) radius_pos : np.array, optional radius where to perform the aperture photometry (default is 2.) inner_rad : np.array, optional inner radius of the background region in pixel (default is 10.) outer_rad : np.array, optional outer radius of the background region in pixel (default is 15.) Returns ------- obj_flux, obj_err_flux, ave_flux : np.array flux of object, sigma of flux, and average flux values """ print("quick_ap_photometry: Performing aperture photometry") # converts any input into a np.array if np.size(x_pos) == 1: x_object = np.array([x_pos]) y_object = np.array([y_pos]) else: x_object = np.array(x_pos) y_object = np.array(y_pos) if np.size(radius_pos) == 1: radius_aperture = np.full_like(x_object, radius_pos, float) else: radius_aperture = radius_pos if np.size(inner_rad) == 1: inner_aperture = np.full_like(x_object, inner_rad, float) else: inner_aperture = inner_rad if np.size(outer_rad) == 1: outer_aperture = np.full_like(x_object, outer_rad, float) else: outer_aperture = outer_rad # setting up arrays obj_flux = np.zeros_like(x_object, float) obj_err_flux = np.zeros_like(x_object, float) ave_flux = np.zeros_like(x_object, float) for index in np.arange(0, np.size(x_object)): print("Source", index + 1, ": Aperture photometry on source at: {}, {}".format(x_object[index], y_object[index])) obj_pos = [x_object[index], y_object[index]] circle_obj = CircularAperture(obj_pos, r=radius_aperture[index]) annulus_obj = CircularAnnulus(obj_pos, r_in=inner_aperture[index], r_out=outer_aperture[index]) # Flux ap_phot = aperture_photometry(datacopy, circle_obj) # Background image_datacopy = np.copy(datacopy) bad_bg = np.min([np.nanmin(image_datacopy), -99999.]) image_datacopy[~np.isfinite(image_datacopy)] = bad_bg mask_bg = annulus_obj.to_mask(method='center') data_bg = mask_bg.multiply(image_datacopy) data_bg[(np.array(mask_bg) == 0)] = bad_bg flat_data_bg = data_bg[data_bg > bad_bg].flatten() mean_bg, median_bg, sigma_bg = sigma_clipped_stats(flat_data_bg) # Variance var_ap_phot = aperture_photometry(statcopy, circle_obj) # Filling arrays obj_flux[index] = ap_phot['aperture_sum'][0] - (median_bg * circle_obj.area) obj_err_flux[index] = np.power(np.array(var_ap_phot['aperture_sum'][0]), 0.5) ave_flux[index] = median_bg # Deleting temporary arrays to clear up memory del radius_aperture del inner_aperture del outer_aperture del obj_pos del x_object del y_object del image_datacopy return obj_flux, obj_err_flux, ave_flux
[docs]def quick_ap_photometry_no_bg(datacopy, statcopy, x_pos, y_pos, obj_rad=2.): """Performing quick circular aperture photometry on an image without background subtraction Parameters ---------- datacopy : np.array image where the aperture photometry will be performed statcopy : np.array variance image that will be used to calculate the errors on the aperture photometry x_pos : np.array x-location of the source in pixel y_pos : np.array y-location of the source in pixel obj_rad : np.array, optional radius where to perform the aperture photometry (default is 2.) Returns ------- flux_obj, err_flux_obj : np.arrays fluxes and errors of the sources derived from datacopy and statcopy """ print("quick_ap_photometry_no_bg: Performing aperture photometry") # creates arrays of position values regardless of quantity if np.size(x_pos) == 1: x_object = np.array([x_pos]) y_object = np.array([y_pos]) else: x_object = np.array(x_pos) y_object = np.array(y_pos) if np.size(obj_rad) == 1: r_aperture = np.full_like(x_object, obj_rad, float) else: r_aperture = np.array(obj_rad) # setting up empty arrays flux_obj = np.zeros_like(x_object, float) err_flux_obj = np.zeros_like(x_object, float) # filling arrrays print("qap_photometry_no_bg: Aperture photometry on source:") for index in range(0, np.size(x_object)): print(" {:03d} -> ({:03.2f},{:03.2f})".format(index, float(x_object[index]), float(y_object[index]))) object_pos = [x_object[index], y_object[index]] circ_obj = CircularAperture(object_pos, r=r_aperture[index]) ap_phot = aperture_photometry(datacopy, circ_obj) var_ap_phot = aperture_photometry(statcopy, circ_obj) flux_obj[index] = ap_phot['aperture_sum'][0] err_flux_obj[index] = np.power(np.array(var_ap_phot['aperture_sum'][0]), 0.5) # Deleting temporary arrays to clear up memory del r_aperture del object_pos del circ_obj del ap_phot del var_ap_phot return flux_obj, err_flux_obj
[docs]def q_spectrum(datacontainer, x_pos, y_pos, statcube=None, radius_pos=2., inner_rad=10., outer_rad=15., void_mask=None): """Performing quick spectrum extraction from a circular aperture on a cube. Background is calculated from the median of an annular aperture performing sigma clipping. Parameters ---------- datacontainer : IFUcube object original data read into x_pos : np.array x-location of the source in pixel y_pos: np.array y-location of the source in pixel statcube : np.array, optional variance in 3D array if specifying a 3D array for datacube. Otherwise, pulls this array from IFUcube object (default is None) radius_pos: np.array, optional radius where to perform the aperture photometry (default is 2.) inner_rad: np.array, optional inner radius of the background region in pixel (default is 10.) outer_rad: np.array, optional outer radius of the background region in pixel (default is 15.) void_mask : np.array, optional mask of possible contaminants (1->the pixel will be removed from the photometry) (default is None) Returns ------- spec_ap_phot : np.array spectra of selected object spec_var_ap_phot : np.array sigma of spectra spec_flux_bg : np.array background spectral flux """ # allows assignment of an IFUcube object or two 3D arrays if statcube is None: datacopy, statcopy = datacontainer.get_data_stat() else: datacopy = datacontainer statcopy = np.copy(statcube) if void_mask is None: void_mask = np.zeros_like(datacopy[0, :, :]) else: print("q_spectrum: Using void_mask") # creating empty lists spec_ap_phot = [] spec_var_ap_phot = [] spec_flux_bg = [] object_pos = [x_pos, y_pos] circ_obj = CircularAperture(object_pos, r=radius_pos) annu_obj = CircularAnnulus(object_pos, r_in=inner_rad, r_out=outer_rad) z_max, y_max, x_max = datacopy.shape for channel in np.arange(0, z_max, 1): # Total flux temp_data = np.copy(datacopy[channel, :, :]) ap_phot = aperture_photometry(temp_data, circ_obj) # Background masking bad values temp_data_bg = np.copy(datacopy[channel, :, :]) bad_bg = np.min([np.nanmin(temp_data_bg), -99999.]) temp_data_bg[(void_mask == 1)] = bad_bg temp_data_bg[~np.isfinite(temp_data_bg)] = bad_bg mask_bg = annu_obj.to_mask(method='center') data_bg = mask_bg.multiply(temp_data_bg) data_bg[(np.array(mask_bg) == 0)] = bad_bg data_bg1d = data_bg[data_bg > bad_bg].flatten() mean_bg, median_bg, sigma_bg = sigma_clipped_stats(data_bg1d) # Error temp_stat = np.copy(statcopy[channel, :, :]) var_ap_phot = aperture_photometry(temp_stat, circ_obj) # Loading lists spec_ap_phot.append(ap_phot['aperture_sum'][0] - (median_bg * circ_obj.area)) spec_var_ap_phot.append(var_ap_phot['aperture_sum'][0]) spec_flux_bg.append(median_bg) # Deleting temporary arrays to clear up memory del temp_data del temp_stat del temp_data_bg spec_var_ap_phot = np.array(spec_var_ap_phot) spec_var_ap_phot[~np.isfinite(spec_var_ap_phot)] = np.nanmax(spec_var_ap_phot) return np.array(spec_ap_phot), np.power(spec_var_ap_phot, 0.5), np.array(spec_flux_bg)
[docs]def q_spectrum_no_bg(datacontainer, x_pos, y_pos, statcube=None, radius_pos=2.): """Performing quick spectrum extraction from a circular aperture on a cube without calculating background spectral flux Parameters ---------- datacontainer : np.array, IFUcube Object data in a 3D array or object initiated in x_pos : int, float, np.array x-location of the source in pixel y_pos : int, float, np.array y-location of the source in pixel statcube : np.array, optional variance in 3D array if specifying a 3D array for datacube. Otherwise, pulls this array from IFUcube object (default is None) radius_pos : float radius where to perform the aperture photometry Returns ------- spec_ap_phot : np.array spectra of selected object spec_var_ap_phot : np.array sigma of spectra """ print("q_spectrum_no_bg: Extracting spectrum from the cube") # allows IFUcube object assignment or two 3D arrays if statcube is None: datacopy, statcopy = datacontainer.get_data_stat() else: datacopy = np.copy(datacontainer) statcopy = np.copy(statcube) # creating empty lists spec_ap_phot = [] spec_var_ap_phot = [] object_pos = [x_pos, y_pos] circ_obj = CircularAperture(object_pos, r=radius_pos) z_max, y_max, x_max = np.shape(datacopy) for channel in np.arange(0, z_max, 1): # Total flux temp_data = np.copy(datacopy[channel, :, :]) ap_phot = aperture_photometry(temp_data, circ_obj) # Error temp_stat = np.copy(statcopy[channel, :, :]) var_ap_phot = aperture_photometry(temp_stat, circ_obj) # Loading lists spec_ap_phot.append(ap_phot['aperture_sum'][0]) spec_var_ap_phot.append(var_ap_phot['aperture_sum'][0]) # Deleting temporary arrays to clear up memory del temp_data del temp_stat return np.array(spec_ap_phot), np.power(np.array(spec_var_ap_phot), 0.5)
[docs]def q_spectrum_no_bg_mask(datacontainer, mask_xy, statcube=None): """Performing quick spectrum extraction from an aperture given by a 2D mask from a cube. Parameters ---------- datacontainer : IFUcube object, np.array data initialized in or 3D array of data mask_xy : np.array 2D aperture where to perform the spectral extraction. Only spaxels marked as 1 are considered statcube : np.array 3D variance array Returns ------- flux_obj : sum of object flux ignoring Nans err_flux_obj : sigma of variance """ # allows IFUcube object assignment or two 3D arrays if statcube is None: datacopy, statcopy = datacontainer.get_data_stat() else: datacopy = np.copy(datacontainer) statcopy = np.copy(statcube) print("q_spectrum_no_bg_mask: Extracting spectrum from the cube") z_max, y_max, x_max = np.shape(datacopy) for channel in np.arange(0, z_max, 1): # masking arrays datacopy[channel, :, :][(mask_xy < 1)] = 0 statcopy[channel, :, :][(mask_xy < 1)] = 0 flux_obj = np.nansum(datacopy, axis=(1, 2)) err_flux_obj = np.sqrt(np.nansum(statcopy, axis=(1, 2))) # Deleting temporary arrays to clear up memory del datacopy del statcopy return flux_obj, err_flux_obj
[docs]def gaussian(x, norm, x0, sigma): """ Returns gaussian given normalization, center, and sigma. Parameters ---------- x : np.array x-vector norm, x0, sigma : float Normalization, center, and sigma of the gaussian Returns ------- gauss : np.array The gaussian curve evaluated in x """ gauss = norm * np.exp(-(x - x0) ** 2 / (2. * sigma ** 2)) return np.array(gauss, float)
[docs]def stat_fullcube(datacube, n_sigma_extreme=None): """Given a cube the macro calculate average, median, and sigma of all its voxels. NaNs are considered as bad pixels and removed. Parameters ---------- datacube : np.array 3D cube containing the voxels you want to get the statistic for. n_sigma_extreme : float, optional if not None, voxels with values larger than sigmaExtreme times the standard deviation of the cube will be masked (default is None) Returns ------- cube_average, cube_median, cube_std : float average, median, and standard deviation of the cube. """ print("stat_fullcube: statistic on the cube") datacopy = np.copy(datacube) cube_average = np.nanmean(datacopy) cube_median = np.nanmedian(datacopy) cube_std = np.nanstd(datacopy) if n_sigma_extreme is not None: # Workaround to avoid problems generated by using np.abs and NaNs extreme_mask = np.zeros_like(datacopy, int) datacopy[~np.isfinite(datacopy)] = cube_average + (3. * n_sigma_extreme * cube_std) extreme_mask[np.abs((datacopy - cube_average) / cube_std) > n_sigma_extreme] = 1 cube_average = np.nanmean(datacopy[(extreme_mask == 0)]) cube_median = np.nanmedian(datacopy[(extreme_mask == 0)]) cube_std = np.nanstd(datacopy[(extreme_mask == 0)]) del extreme_mask print("stat_fullcube: average = {:+0.3f}".format(cube_average)) print(" median = {:+0.3f}".format(cube_median)) print(" sigma = {:+0.3f}".format(cube_std)) # preserve memory del datacopy return cube_average, cube_median, cube_std
[docs]def stat_fullcube_z(datacube, n_sigma_extreme=None): """Given a cube the macro calculate average, median, and sigma of all its voxels along the spectral (z) axis. NaNs are considered as bad pixels and removed. Parameters ---------- datacube : np.array 3D cube containing the voxels you want to get the statistic for. n_sigma_extreme : np.array, optional if not None, voxels with values larger than sigmaExtreme times the standard deviation of the cube will be masked (default is None) Returns ------- cube_avg_z, cube_med_z, cube_std_z : np.arrays average, median, and standard deviation of the cube along the spectral axis. """ print("stat_fullcube_z: statistic on the cube") datacopy = np.copy(datacube) cube_avg_z = np.nanmean(datacopy, axis=(1, 2)) cube_med_z = np.nanmedian(datacopy, axis=(1, 2)) cube_std_z = np.nanstd(datacopy, axis=(1, 2)) if n_sigma_extreme is not None: # Workaround to avoid problems generated by using np.abs and NaNs extreme_mask = np.zeros_like(datacopy, int) z_max, y_max, x_max = np.shape(datacopy) for channel in np.arange(0, z_max): datacopy[channel, :, :][~np.isfinite(datacopy[channel, :, :])] = cube_avg_z[channel] + ( 3. * n_sigma_extreme * cube_std_z[channel]) extreme_mask[channel, :, :][np.abs( (datacopy[channel, :, :] - cube_avg_z[channel]) / cube_std_z[channel]) > n_sigma_extreme] = 1 datacopy[(extreme_mask == 1)] = np.nan cube_avg_z = np.nanmean(datacopy, axis=(1, 2)) cube_med_z = np.nanmedian(datacopy, axis=(1, 2)) cube_std_z = np.nanstd(datacopy, axis=(1, 2)) del extreme_mask # Cleaning up memory del datacopy return cube_avg_z, cube_med_z, cube_std_z
[docs]def pixel_dist(z_pos1, y_pos1, x_pos1, z_pos2, y_pos2, x_pos2): """ Given a pixel (1) and a set of locations (2), the macro returns the euclidean distance from (2) to (1) Parameters ---------- z_pos1, y_pos1, x_pos1 : float location of the pixel from which calculate the distances z_pos2, y_pos2, x_pos2 : np.array location of the pixels for which the distances from zPix1, y_pos1, xPix1 will be calculated Returns ------- dist : np.array distance from (1) to (2) """ z_dist = np.power(z_pos1 - z_pos2, 2.) y_dist = np.power(y_pos1 - y_pos2, 2.) x_dist = np.power(x_pos1 - x_pos2, 2.) dist = np.sqrt(z_dist + y_dist + x_dist) return dist
[docs]def object_coord(datacontainer, ra, dec, radius): """Reads in IFUcube and user input of an object in RA and DEC as well as a search radius. RA and DEC specify where to extend radius to search for pixel value of center of object. Utilizes Photutils centroid_sources and header data to convert RA and DEC into pixel values. Parameters ---------- datacontainer : IFUcube Object data file initialized in ra : float Right ascension of object in degrees dec : float Declination of object in degrees radius : int, float pixel radius value to search for center of specified object Returns ------- float x_pos X pixel coordinate of object in datacube y_pos Y pixel coordinate of object in datacube """ headers = datacontainer.get_data_header() datacopy = datacontainer.get_data() image_data = np.nansum(datacopy[:, :, :], axis=0) # creates 2D image from dataset and deletes copy to save memory del datacopy # utilizes header information for conversions ra_ref = headers['CRVAL1'] ra_conversion = headers['CD1_1'] x_ref = headers['CRPIX1'] dec_ref = headers['CRVAL2'] dec_conversion = headers['CD2_2'] y_ref = headers['CRPIX2'] ra_dif = ra - ra_ref dec_dif = dec - dec_ref x_pix = np.array((ra_dif / ra_conversion) + x_ref) y_pix = np.array((dec_dif / dec_conversion) + y_ref) # isolates position fof the center of the object x_pos, y_pos = centroids.centroid_sources(image_data, x_pix, y_pix, box_size=radius) # converts back to float for returned coordinates x_pos = float(x_pos) y_pos = float(y_pos) return x_pos, y_pos