Source code for pycube.datacontainers.datacontainer

from import fits
from pycube.ancillary import checks
from pycube import msgs

__all__ = ['DataContainer']

[docs]class DataContainer: r"""Base class to dictate the general behavior of a data container Attributes: """ def __init__(self, hdul=None, instrument=None, fits_file=None): self.hdul = hdul self.instrument = instrument self.fits_file = fits_file @property def instrument(self): return self._instrument @instrument.setter def instrument(self, instrument): self._instrument = instrument @property def hdul(self): return self._hdul @hdul.setter def hdul(self, hdul): self._hdul = hdul @property def fits_file(self): return self._fits_file @fits_file.setter def fits_file(self, fits_file): if fits_file is None: self._fits_file = None elif checks.fits_file_is_valid(fits_file): self._fits_file = fits_file'Loading datacube...') self.hdul ='Datacube loaded') else: raise ValueError('Error in reading in {}'.format(fits_file))