Source code for pycube.psf

""" Module to create and subtract PSF model from MUSE cubes
import numpy as np

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.patches import Ellipse

from pycube.core import manip
from pycube.core import background

from scipy.optimize import curve_fit

from astropy.stats import sigma_clip

import sep
import gc

[docs]def find_sources(datacontainer, statcube=None, min_lambda=None, max_lambda=None, mask_z=None, var_factor=5., threshold=4., sig_detect=2., min_area=3., deblend_val=0.005): """Automated scanning of given data and identifies good sources. If data is in 3D format, function will collapse given along lambda parameters Parameters ---------- datacontainer : np.array, IFUcube object 3D data cube of or data file initialized in statcube : np.array, optional 3D variance of data, assumes IFUcube for datacube (default is None) min_lambda : float minimum wavelength value to collapse 3D image (default is None) max_lambda : float maximum wavelength value to collapse 3D image (default is None) mask_z : np.array range of z-axis values that the user can mask in the datacube during collapsing (default is None) var_factor : int, float, optional affects generated variance, if variance is auto-generated from image data (default is 5.) threshold : int, float, optional threshold value for sigma detection with seXtractor background subtraction (default is 4.) sig_detect : int, float, optional minimum signal detected by function (default is 2.) min_area : int, float, optional minimum area determined to be a source (default is 3.) deblend_val : float, optional value for sep extractor, minimum contrast ratio for object blending (default is 0.005) Returns ------- x_pos : np.array x positions of objects y_pos : np.array y positions of objects maj_axis : np.array semi-major axis value of objects min_axis : np.array semi-minor axis of objects angle : np.array angle for elliptical masking all_objects : np.array directory for all objects found and their values """ # corrects collapsing if object passed or two 3D arrays if statcube is None: data_background, var_background = manip.collapse_container(datacontainer, min_lambda=min_lambda, max_lambda=max_lambda, mask_z=mask_z, var_thresh=var_factor) else: datacopy = datacontainer data_background = manip.collapse_cube(datacopy, min_lambda=min_lambda, max_lambda=max_lambda, mask_z=mask_z) statcopy = statcube var_background = manip.collapse_cube(statcopy, min_lambda=min_lambda, max_lambda=max_lambda, mask_z=mask_z) # background smoothing with seXtractor which utilizes sep image_background = background.sextractor_background(data_background, var_background, threshold) void_background = data_background - image_background # source finding function utilizing sep all_objects = sep.extract(void_background, sig_detect, err=var_background, minarea=min_area, filter_type='matched', clean=True, deblend_cont=deblend_val, filter_kernel=None) del data_background del var_background # Sorting sources by flux at the peak index_by_flux = np.argsort(all_objects['peak'])[::-1] all_objects = all_objects[index_by_flux] good_sources = all_objects['flag'] < 1 x_pos = np.array(all_objects['x'][good_sources]) y_pos = np.array(all_objects['y'][good_sources]) maj_axis = np.array(all_objects['a'][good_sources]) min_axis = np.array(all_objects['b'][good_sources]) angle = np.array(all_objects['theta'][good_sources]) # preserve memory del image_background del void_background del good_sources return x_pos, y_pos, maj_axis, min_axis, angle, all_objects
[docs]def background_cube(datacontainer, sig_source_detect=3., min_source_area=12., source_mask_size=6., edges=50): """Creates two datacubes from an original IFUcube. One cube is the smoothed background with removed sources. The second is the associated mask used for to create the first cube. Parameters ---------- datacontainer : IFUcube object data initialized in cubeClass sig_source_detect : float, int, optional value of source significance to be detected (default is 3.) min_source_area : float, int, optional minimum area of sources to be considered for masking (default is 12.) source_mask_size : float, int, optional mask size (default is 6.) edges : int, float pixel count to be removed from the edges of the image (default is 50) Returns ------- cube_bg : np.array data cube of the mask removed background mask_bg : np.array data cube of the masks implemented """ datacopy = datacontainer.get_data() z_max, y_max, x_max = np.shape(datacopy) cube_bg = np.full_like(datacopy, np.nan) mask_bg = np.copy(cube_bg) for index in range(z_max): tmpdatacopy = np.copy(datacopy[index, :, :]) # source finding in the data cube x_pos, y_pos, maj_axis, min_axis, angle, all_objects = find_sources(datacontainer, min_lambda=index, max_lambda=index, sig_detect=sig_source_detect, min_area=min_source_area) mask_bg_2D = np.zeros_like(tmpdatacopy) # masking of the sources sky_mask = manip.location(tmpdatacopy, x_position=x_pos, y_position=y_pos, semi_maj=source_mask_size * maj_axis, semi_min=source_mask_size * min_axis, theta=angle) mask_bg_2D[(sky_mask == 1)] = 1 # masks the edges of the images edges_mask = np.ones_like(sky_mask, int) edges_mask[int(edges):-int(edges), int(edges):-int(edges)] = 0 mask_bg_2D[(edges_mask == 1)] = 1 # applies to the full data cube mask_bg_3D = np.broadcast_to((mask_bg_2D == 1), tmpdatacopy.shape) tmpdatacopy[(mask_bg_3D == 1)] = np.nan bg_datacopy = np.copy(tmpdatacopy) bg_datacopy[(mask_bg_2D == 1)] = np.nan cube_bg[index] = bg_datacopy mask_bg[index] = mask_bg_2D # preserve memory del tmpdatacopy del bg_datacopy del mask_bg_2D del x_pos, y_pos, maj_axis, min_axis, angle, all_objects return cube_bg, mask_bg
[docs]def stat_bg(datacontainer, statcube=None, min_lambda=None, max_lambda=None, mask_z=None, mask_xy=None, sig_source_detect=5.0, min_source_area=16., source_mask_size=6., edges=60, output='Object', sigma_clipping=False, debug=False, show_debug=False): """This estimates the sky background of a MUSE cube after removing sources. Sources are detected in an image created by collapsing the cube between min_lambda and max_lambda (considering mask_z as mask for bad channels). Average, std, and median are saved. Parameters ---------- datacontainer : IFUcube object, np.array data initialized in or 3D data array statcube : np.array, optional 3D variance array (default is None) min_lambda : int, optional min channel to create the image where to detect sources max_lambda : int, optional max channel to create the image where to detect sources mask_z : np.array, optional array of channels, for collapse function to remove channels masked as 1 or True (default is None) mask_xy : int, bool, optional when 1 (or True), this spatial pixel will remove from the estimate of the b/g values (default is None) sig_source_detect : float, optional detection sigma threshold for sources in the collapsed cube (default is 5.0) min_source_area : float, optional min area for source detection in the collapsed cube (default is 16) source_mask_size : float, optional for each source, the model will be created in an elliptical aperture with size source_mask_size time the semi-minor and semi-major axis of the detection (default is 6.) edges : int, optional frame size removed to avoid problems related to the edge of the image (default is 60) output : string root file name for output (default is 'Object') sigma_clipping : boolean, optional Specifies whether sigma clipping of the data is necessary. Iterates through data and removes values significantly distant from the standard deviation High variance in correction value output may be corrected using this (default is False) debug, show_debug : boolean, optional runs debug sequence to display output of function (default False) Returns ------- average_bg, median_bg, std_bg, var_bg, pixels_bg : np.array average, median, standard deviation, variance, and number of pixels after masking sources, edges, and NaNs of the background. mask_bg_2D : np.array 2D mask used to determine the background region. This mask has 1 if there is a source or is on the edge of the cube. It is 0 if the pixel is considered in the background estimate. """ if statcube is None: datacopy = datacontainer.get_data() print("stat_bg: Searching for sources in the collapsed cube") x_pos, y_pos, maj_axis, min_axis, angle, all_objects = find_sources(datacontainer, min_lambda=min_lambda, max_lambda=max_lambda, sig_detect=sig_source_detect, min_area=min_source_area) else: datacopy = np.copy(datacontainer) statcopy = np.copy(statcube) print("stat_bg: Searching for sources in the collapsed cube") x_pos, y_pos, maj_axis, min_axis, angle, all_objects = find_sources(datacopy, statcube=statcopy, min_lambda=min_lambda, max_lambda=max_lambda, sig_detect=sig_source_detect, min_area=min_source_area) print("stat_bg: Starting estimate of b/g stats") data_background = manip.collapse_cube(datacopy, max_lambda=max_lambda, min_lambda=min_lambda, mask_z=mask_z) print("stat_bg: Detected {} sources".format(len(x_pos))) mask_bg_2D = np.zeros_like(data_background) print("stat_bg: Masking Edges") # removing edges. This mask is 0 if it is a good pixel, 1 if it is a # pixel at the edge edges_mask = np.ones_like(mask_bg_2D, dtype=int) edges_mask[int(edges):-int(edges), int(edges):-int(edges)] = 0 mask_bg_2D[(edges_mask == 1)] = 1 if mask_xy is not None: print("stat_bg: Masking spatial pixels from input mask_xy") mask_bg_2D[(mask_xy == 1)] = 1 print("stat_bg: Masking sources") sky_mask = manip.location(data_background, x_position=x_pos, y_position=y_pos, semi_maj=source_mask_size * maj_axis, semi_min=source_mask_size * min_axis, theta=angle) mask_bg_2D[(sky_mask == 1)] = 1 print("stat_bg: Performing b/g statistic") mask_bg_3D = np.broadcast_to((mask_bg_2D == 1), datacopy.shape) datacopy[(mask_bg_3D == 1)] = np.nan # performs sigma clipping if specified for high variance / poor masking success if sigma_clipping: datacopy_clipped = sigma_clip(datacopy, cenfunc=np.nanmean, stdfunc=np.nanstd, maxiters=10, sigma=5., grow=3., axis=(1, 2), masked=True) mask_clipped = datacopy_clipped.mask datacopy[(mask_clipped == 1)] = np.nan # calculates values for output of function average_bg, std_bg, median_bg, var_bg, pixels_bg = np.nanmean(datacopy, axis=(1, 2)), \ np.nanstd(datacopy, axis=(1, 2)), \ np.nanmedian(datacopy, axis=(1, 2)), \ np.nanvar(datacopy, axis=(1, 2)), \ np.count_nonzero(~np.isnan(datacopy), axis=(1, 2)) bg_datacopy = np.copy(data_background) bg_datacopy[(mask_bg_2D == 1)] = np.nan if debug: print("stat_bg: Saving debug image on {}_BgRegion.pdf".format(output)) bg_flux_copy = np.nanmean(bg_datacopy) bg_std_copy = np.nanstd(bg_datacopy) plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 6)) ax_image = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 0), colspan=1) ax_clean = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 1), colspan=1) # Plotting field image ax_image.imshow(data_background, cmap="Greys", origin="lower", vmin=bg_flux_copy - 3. * bg_std_copy, vmax=bg_flux_copy + 3. * bg_std_copy) ax_image.set_xlabel(r"X [Pixels]", size=30) ax_image.set_ylabel(r"Y [Pixels]", size=30) ax_image.set_title(r"Collapsed image") # Plotting background image ax_clean.imshow(bg_datacopy, cmap="Greys", origin="lower", vmin=bg_flux_copy - 3. * bg_std_copy, vmax=bg_flux_copy + 3. * bg_std_copy) ax_clean.set_xlabel(r"X [Pixels]", size=30) ax_clean.set_ylabel(r"Y [Pixels]", size=30) ax_clean.set_title(r"b/g image") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(output + "_BgRegion.pdf", dpi=400., format="pdf", bbox_inches="tight") if show_debug: plt.close() # preserve memory del data_background del mask_bg_3D del sky_mask del edges_mask del all_objects del datacopy del bg_datacopy gc.collect() return average_bg, median_bg, std_bg, var_bg, pixels_bg, mask_bg_2D
[docs]def subtract_bg(datacontainer, min_lambda=None, max_lambda=None, mask_z=None, mask_xy=None, sig_source_detect=5.0, min_source_area=16., source_mask_size=6., edges=60, output='Object', sigma_clipping=False, debug=False, show_debug=False): """This macro remove residual background in the cubes and fix the variance vector after masking sources. Sources are detected in an image created by collapsing the cube between min_lambda and max_lambda (considering mask_z as mask for bad channels). If statcube is none, it will be created and for each channel, the variance of the background will be used. Parameters ---------- datacontainer : IFUcube object data initialized in min_lambda : int min channel to create the image to detected sources max_lambda : int max channel to create the image to detected sources mask_z : np.array array of channels, when 1 (or True), the channel is removed when collapsing the cube to detect sources (default is None) mask_xy : int, bool, optional when 1 (or True), this spatial pixel will be removed from the estimate of the b/g values (default is None) sig_source_detect : float detection sigma threshold for sources in the collapsed cube (default is 5.0) min_source_area : float min area for source detection in the collapsed cube (default is 16.) source_mask_size : float for each source, the model will be created in an elliptical aperture with size source_mask_size time the semi-minor and semi-major axis of the detection (default is 6.) edges : int frame size removed to avoid problems related to the edge of the image (default is 60) output : string root file name for outputs sigma_clipping : boolean, optional Specifies whether sigma clipping of the data is necessary. Iterates through data and removes values significantly distant from the standard deviation High variance in correction value output may be corrected using this (default is False) debug, show_debug : boolean, optional runs debug sequence to display output of function (default False) Returns ------- datacube, statcube : np.array 3D data and variance cubes after residual sky subtraction and variance rescaled to match the background variance. bg_average, bg_median, bg_std, bg_var, bg_pixels : np.array average, median, standard deviation, variance, and number of pixels after masking sources, edges, and NaNs of the background. bg_mask_2d : np.array 2D mask used to determine the background region. This mask has 1 if there is a source or is on the edge of the cube. It is 0 if the pixel is considered in the background estimate. """ print("subtract_bg: Starting the procedure to subtract the background") # Getting spectrum of the background bg_average, bg_median, bg_std, bg_var, \ bg_pixels, bg_mask_2d = stat_bg(datacontainer, min_lambda=min_lambda, max_lambda=max_lambda, mask_z=mask_z, mask_xy=mask_xy, sig_source_detect=sig_source_detect, min_source_area=min_source_area, source_mask_size=source_mask_size, edges=edges, sigma_clipping=sigma_clipping, output=output, debug=debug, show_debug=show_debug) # data / variance extraction from IFUcube datacopy, statcube = datacontainer.get_data_stat() z_max, y_max, x_max = np.shape(datacopy) print("subtract_bg: Subtracting background from datacube") for channel in range(0, z_max): datacopy[channel, :, :] -= bg_median[channel] if statcube is None: print("subtract_bg: Creating statcube with variance inferred from background") statcopy = np.copy(datacopy) for channel in range(0, z_max): statcopy[channel, :, :] = bg_var[channel] else: print("subtract_bg: Estimating correction for statcube variance") # Removing sources and edges statcopy_nan = np.copy(statcube) bg_mask_3D = np.broadcast_to((bg_mask_2d == 1), statcopy_nan.shape) statcopy_nan[(bg_mask_3D == 1)] = np.nan # Calculating average variance per channel average_stat_bg = np.nanmean(statcopy_nan, axis=(1, 2)) del statcopy_nan del bg_mask_3D # Rescaling cube variance scale_factor = bg_var / average_stat_bg statcopy = np.copy(statcube) for channel in range(0, z_max): statcopy[channel, :, :] *= scale_factor[channel] print("subtract_bg: The average correction factor for variance is {:.5f}".format(np.average(scale_factor))) if debug: manip.nice_plot() plt.figure(1, figsize=(9, 6)) plt.plot(range(0, z_max), scale_factor, color='black') plt.xlabel(r"Channels") plt.ylabel(r"Correction Factor") plt.axhline(np.average(scale_factor)) plt.savefig(output + "_VarianceCorrection.pdf", dpi=400., format="pdf", bbox_inches="tight") if show_debug: plt.close() print("subtract_bg: The average value subtracted to the b/g level is {:.5f}".format(np.average(bg_median))) if debug: manip.nice_plot() plt.figure(1, figsize=(9, 6)) plt.plot(range(0, z_max), bg_median, color='black') plt.xlabel(r"Channels") plt.ylabel(r"Median Background") plt.axhline(np.average(bg_median)) plt.savefig(output + "_bgCorrection.pdf", dpi=400., format="pdf", bbox_inches="tight") if show_debug: plt.close() gc.collect() return datacopy, statcopy, bg_average, bg_median, bg_std, bg_var, bg_pixels, bg_mask_2d
[docs]def sources_fg(datacube, statcube=None, sig_source_detect=5.0, min_source_area=16., source_mask_size=6., max_source_size=50., max_source_ell=0.9, rad_norm=1., edges=60, output='Object', debug=False, show_debug=False): """ This macro search for sources in an image and save relevant information on them in a dictionary. Parameters ---------- datacube : np.array data in a 2D array statcube : np.array variance in a 2D array sig_source_detect : float detection sigma threshold for sources in the collapsed cube. Defaults is 5.0 min_source_area : float min area for source detection in the collapsed cube. Default is 16. source_mask_size : float for each source, the model will be created in an elliptical aperture with size source_mask_size time the semi-minor and semi-major axis of the detection. Default is 6. max_source_size : float sources with semi-major or semi-minor axes larger than this value will not be considered in the foreground source model. Default is 50. max_source_ell : float sources with ellipticity larger than this value will not be considered in the foreground source model. Default is 0.9. rad_norm : float radius where to normalize the sources model. Default is 1. edges : int frame size removed to avoid problems related to the edge of the image output : string root file name for outputs debug, show_debug : boolean, optional runs debug sequence to display output of function (default False) Returns ------- fgSources : dict Dictionary containing relevant information on the detected sources including data, masks, flux, etc. fgAllSources : astropy table Astropy table containing the information of all sources detected (i.e. without any cleaning). This is the direct output of the source finding algorithm. fgBackgroundFlux, fgBackgroundSigma : float Average background flux and sigma after source extractions """ print("sources_fg: Searching for sources in the image") y_max, x_max = np.shape(datacube) fg_xpos, fg_ypos, fg_maj, fg_min, fg_angle, fg_all_sources = find_sources(datacube, statcube, sig_detect=sig_source_detect, min_area=min_source_area) print("sources_fg: Detected {} sources".format(len(fg_xpos))) print("sources_fg: Perform some cleaning on the detected sources") # Checking that, within RadiusNorm, each source is at least # sig_source_detection/2. sigma above the background # skyMask is a mask where all sources are masked as 1, # while the background is set to 0 fg_datacopy = np.copy(datacube) sky_mask = manip.location(datacube, fg_xpos, fg_ypos, semi_maj=source_mask_size * fg_maj, semi_min=source_mask_size * fg_min, theta=fg_angle) fg_datacopy[(sky_mask == 1)] = np.nan # removing edges. This mask is 0 if it is a good pixel, 1 if it is a # pixel at the edge edges_mask = np.ones_like(sky_mask, int) edges_mask[int(edges):- int(edges), int(edges):- int(edges)] = 0 fg_datacopy[(edges_mask == 1)] = np.nan # removing extreme values. This mask is 0 if it is a good pixel, # 1 if it is a pixel with an extreme value extreme_mask = np.ones_like(sky_mask, int) fg_flux = np.nanmedian(fg_datacopy) fg_sigma = np.nanstd(fg_datacopy) extreme_mask[np.abs((datacube - fg_flux) / fg_sigma) < 2.99] = 0 fg_datacopy[(extreme_mask == 1)] = np.nan # Checking values of the background fg_flux = np.nanmedian(fg_datacopy) fg_sigma = np.nanstd(fg_datacopy) fg_data_hist, fg_data_edges = np.histogram(fg_datacopy[np.isfinite(fg_datacopy)].flatten(), bins="fd", density=True) # fitting of the histogram gauss_best, gauss_covar = curve_fit(manip.gaussian, fg_data_edges[:-1], fg_data_hist, p0=[1. / (fg_sigma * np.sqrt((2. * np.pi))), fg_flux, fg_sigma]) # A second round of global sky subtraction is performed print("sources_fg: A residual background of {:.4f} counts has been removed".format(fg_flux)) fg_data_no_bg = np.copy(datacube) - fg_flux # Running force photometry on the detected sources print("sources_fg: Aperture photometry on sources with radius {:.4f} pix.".format(rad_norm)) fg_flux_cent, fg_err_flux_cent = manip.quick_ap_photometry_no_bg(fg_data_no_bg, statcube, fg_xpos, fg_ypos, obj_rad=rad_norm) # Removing sources that are at the edge of the detection at the center fg_bright = fg_flux_cent > .5 * sig_source_detect * fg_err_flux_cent fg_flux_cent = fg_flux_cent[fg_bright] fg_err_flux_cent = fg_err_flux_cent[fg_bright] fg_xpos = fg_xpos[fg_bright] fg_ypos = fg_ypos[fg_bright] fg_maj = fg_maj[fg_bright] fg_min = fg_min[fg_bright] fg_angle = fg_angle[fg_bright] print("sources_fg: Detected {} sources above {} sigma at the center".format(len(fg_xpos), .5 * sig_source_detect)) # Remove sources at the edge of the FOV fg_x_loc = (fg_xpos > edges) & (fg_xpos < (x_max - edges)) fg_y_loc = (fg_ypos > edges) & (fg_ypos < (y_max - edges)) fg_location = fg_x_loc & fg_y_loc fg_flux_cent = fg_flux_cent[fg_location] fg_err_flux_cent = fg_err_flux_cent[fg_location] fg_xpos = fg_xpos[fg_location] fg_ypos = fg_ypos[fg_location] fg_maj = fg_maj[fg_location] fg_min = fg_min[fg_location] fg_angle = fg_angle[fg_location] print("sources_fg: Detected {} sources after edges removal".format(len(fg_xpos))) # Removes crazy values axis of elliptical sources fg_maj_size = fg_maj < max_source_size fg_min_size = fg_min < max_source_size fg_maj_big = np.max((fg_maj, fg_min), axis=0) fg_maj_small = np.min((fg_maj, fg_min), axis=0) fg_ell = 1. - (fg_maj_small / fg_maj_big) fg_ell_cut = (fg_ell < np.max([np.percentile(fg_ell, 10), max_source_ell])) & (fg_ell > 0.) fg_shape = fg_maj_size & fg_min_size & fg_ell_cut fg_flux_cent = fg_flux_cent[fg_shape] fg_err_flux_cent = fg_err_flux_cent[fg_shape] fg_xpos = fg_xpos[fg_shape] fg_ypos = fg_ypos[fg_shape] fg_maj = fg_maj[fg_shape] fg_min = fg_min[fg_shape] fg_angle = fg_angle[fg_shape] print("sources_fg: Removing sources with size larger than {}".format(max_source_size)) print("sources_fg: Removing sources with ellipticity larger than {}".format( np.max([np.percentile(fg_ell, 10), max_source_ell]))) print("sources_fg: Detected {} sources after removing unusual shapes".format(len(fg_xpos))) del fg_datacopy del fg_bright del fg_location del fg_shape if debug: print("sources_fg: Saving debug image on {}_fgSourcesMask.pdf".format(output)) fg_datacopy = np.copy(datacube) sky_mask = manip.location(datacube, fg_xpos, fg_ypos, semi_maj=source_mask_size * fg_maj, semi_min=source_mask_size * fg_min, theta=fg_angle) fg_datacopy[(sky_mask == 1)] = np.nan edges_mask = np.ones_like(sky_mask, int) edges_mask[int(edges):-int(edges), int(edges):-int(edges)] = 0 fg_datacopy[(edges_mask == 1)] = np.nan plt.figure(1, figsize=(18, 6)) ax_image = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 0), colspan=1) ax_mask = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 1), colspan=1) ax_hist = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 2), colspan=1) # Plotting field image ax_image.imshow(datacube, cmap="Greys", origin="lower", vmin=fg_flux - 3. * fg_sigma, vmax=fg_flux + 3. * fg_sigma) ax_image.set_xlabel(r"X [Pixels]", size=30) ax_image.set_ylabel(r"Y [Pixels]", size=30) ax_image.set_title(r"Collapsed image") # Plotting field mask ax_mask.imshow(fg_datacopy, cmap="Greys", origin="lower", vmin=fg_flux - 3. * fg_sigma, vmax=fg_flux + 3. * fg_sigma) ax_mask.set_xlabel(r"X [Pixels]", size=30) ax_mask.set_ylabel(r"Y [Pixels]", size=30) ax_mask.set_title(r"Background") # Plotting pixel distribution ax_hist.step(fg_data_edges[:-1], fg_data_hist, color="gray", zorder=3) ax_hist.plot(fg_data_edges[:-1], manip.gaussian(fg_data_edges[:-1], *gauss_best), color='black', zorder=2) ax_hist.axvline(fg_flux, color="black", zorder=1, linestyle=':') ax_hist.set_xlim(left=fg_flux - 3. * fg_sigma, right=fg_flux + 3. * fg_sigma) ax_hist.text(0.52, 0.9, "Med b/g", transform=ax_hist.transAxes) ax_hist.set_ylabel(r"Pixel Distribution", size=30) ax_hist.set_xlabel(r"Flux", size=30) ax_hist.set_title(r"b/g flux distribution") # axHist.ticklabel_format(axis="y", style="sci", scilimits=(0,0)) plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(output + "_fgSourcesMask.pdf", dpi=400., format="pdf", bbox_inches="tight") if show_debug: plt.close() del sky_mask del edges_mask del fg_datacopy print("sources_fg: Filling dictionary with relevant information on the {} sources".format(len(fg_xpos))) # create dictionary with relevant information on the fg sources fg_sources = {} fgFlux = np.zeros_like(fg_xpos) fgErrFlux = np.zeros_like(fg_xpos) fgFluxBg = np.zeros_like(fg_xpos) # create elliptical mask with all sources masked # fgMask is a mask where all sources are masked as 1, # while the background is set to 0 fg_mask = manip.location(fg_data_no_bg, fg_xpos, fg_ypos, semi_maj=source_mask_size * fg_maj, semi_min=source_mask_size * fg_min, theta=fg_angle) for sourceIdx in range(0, len(fg_xpos)): # create elliptical mask of each source # fgThisSourceMask is a mask where the considered source is masked as 1, # while the background is set to 0 index_mask = manip.location(fg_data_no_bg, fg_xpos[sourceIdx], fg_ypos[sourceIdx], semi_maj=source_mask_size * fg_maj[sourceIdx], semi_min=source_mask_size * fg_min[sourceIdx], theta=fg_angle[sourceIdx]) fgThisMask, fgThisDataNoBg = np.copy(fg_mask), np.copy(fg_data_no_bg) # fgThisMask is a mask where all sources are masked as 1 BUT the source considered fgThisMask[(index_mask == 1)] = # if there is another source in the area of fgThisSourceMask # it will be masked within rad_norm for sourceIdx_tmp in range(0, len(fg_xpos)): if (fg_xpos[sourceIdx_tmp] != fg_xpos[sourceIdx]): fgContaminantSmallMask = manip.location(fg_data_no_bg, fg_xpos[sourceIdx_tmp], fg_ypos[sourceIdx_tmp], semi_maj=rad_norm, semi_min=rad_norm, theta=fg_angle[sourceIdx_tmp]) fgThisMask[(fgContaminantSmallMask == 1)] = 1 # Loading only data from the current source fgThisSourceData = np.copy(datacube) fgThisSourceData[(index_mask == 0)] = 0. fgThisSourceDataNoBg = np.copy(fg_data_no_bg) fgThisSourceDataNoBg[(index_mask == 0)] = 0. fgThisSourceDataNoBg[(fgThisMask == 1)] = 0. # Loading dictionary with relevant informations fg_sources[sourceIdx] = {} fg_sources[sourceIdx]["x"] = fg_xpos[sourceIdx] fg_sources[sourceIdx]["y"] = fg_ypos[sourceIdx] fg_sources[sourceIdx]["a"] = fg_maj[sourceIdx] fg_sources[sourceIdx]["b"] = fg_min[sourceIdx] fg_sources[sourceIdx]["theta"] = fg_angle[sourceIdx] fg_sources[sourceIdx]["flux"] = fg_flux_cent[sourceIdx] fg_sources[sourceIdx]["errFlux"] = fg_err_flux_cent[sourceIdx] fg_sources[sourceIdx]["radiusFlux"] = rad_norm fg_sources[sourceIdx]["fluxBg"] = fg_flux fg_sources[sourceIdx]["errFluxBg"] = fg_sigma fg_sources[sourceIdx]["sourceMask"] = index_mask fg_sources[sourceIdx]["contaminantMask"] = fgThisMask fg_sources[sourceIdx]["sourceData"] = fgThisSourceData fg_sources[sourceIdx]["sourceDataNoBg"] = fgThisSourceDataNoBg """ # ToDo : this is not working at the moment. print("sources_fg: Saving foreground source dictionary in {}".format(output+"_fgSources.json")) with open(output+"_fgSources.json", "w") as jfile: fgSourcesJason = muutils.jsonify(fgSources) json.dump(fgSourcesJason, jfile, sort_keys=True, indent=4, separators=(',', ': '), easy_to_read=True, overwrite=True) """ # Deleting temporary images to clear up memory del fgThisSourceDataNoBg del fgThisSourceData del fgThisMask del index_mask return fg_sources, fg_all_sources, fg_flux, fg_sigma
[docs]def clean_fg(datacontainer, min_lambda=None, max_lambda=None, mask_z=None, mask_x=None, mask_y=None, mask_xy_rad=None, sig_source_detect=5.0, min_source_area=16., mask_size=6., max_source_size=50., max_source_ell=0.9, bg_source=False, rad_norm=1., edges=60, output='Object', debug=False, show_debug=False, deep_debug=False): """ This macro removes sources from a cube creating a model from the data itself. The model will be created collapsing the cube between min_lambda and max_lambda (considering mask_z as mask for bad channels). The macro will search for sources in the image, and create a normalized model for each of them. Finally, the model is propagated in the entire cube and then removed. Parameters ---------- datacontainer : IFUcube object data intialized in min_lambda : int min channel to create the image where to detect sources max_lambda : int max channel to create the image where to detect sources mask_z : np.array array of channels, when 1 (or True), the channel is removed mask_x, mask_y, mask_xy_rad : floats x,y location of a source NOT to be subtracted as f/g model. Any sources located within mask_xy_rad from mask_x, maskY will not be considered in the creation of the model. sig_source_detect : float detection sigma threshold for sources in the collapsed cube. Defaults is 5.0 min_source_area : float min area for source detection in the collapsed cube. Default is 16. mask_size : float for each source, the model will be created in an elliptical aperture with size source_mask_size time the semi-minor and semi-major axis of the detection. Default is 6. max_source_size : float sources with semi-major or semi-minor axes larger than this value will not be considered in the foreground source model. Default is 50. max_source_ell : float sources with ellipticity larger than this value will not be considered in the foreground source model. Default is 0.9. bg_source : bool if True, an additional local background subtraction will be performed around each detected sources. Default is True rad_norm : float radius where to normalize the sources model. Default is 1. edges : int frame size removed to avoid problems related to the edge of the image output : string root file name for outputs debug, show_debug, deep_debug : boolean, optional runs debug sequence to display output of function (default False) Returns ------- datacopy_clean, datacopy_model : np.array data cube from which the detected sources have been removed and the model of fg cleaning fg_sources : dict Dictionary containing relevant information on the detected sources including data, masks, flux, etc. """ print("clean_fg: Starting the cleaning of the cube") datacopy, statcopy = datacontainer.get_data_stat() z_max, y_max, x_max = np.shape(datacopy) print("clean_fg: Collapsing cube") fg_data, fg_stat = manip.collapse_container(datacontainer, mask_z=mask_z, min_lambda=min_lambda, max_lambda=max_lambda) print("clean_fg: Searching for sources in the collapsed cube") fg_sources, fg_all_sources, fg_bg_flux, fg_bg_sigma = sources_fg(fg_data, statcube=fg_stat, sig_source_detect=sig_source_detect, min_source_area=min_source_area, source_mask_size=mask_size, max_source_size=max_source_size, max_source_ell=max_source_ell, rad_norm=rad_norm, edges=edges, output=output, debug=debug) print("clean_fg: Subtracting contaminants") # Subtracting the f/g contamination datacopy_clean = np.copy(datacopy) datacopy_model = np.zeros_like(datacopy) for sourceIdx in range(0, len(fg_sources)): print("clean_fg: Removing source {}".format(sourceIdx)) # creating normalized model fg_model = (fg_sources[sourceIdx]["sourceDataNoBg"] / fg_sources[sourceIdx]["flux"]) fg_model[(fg_sources[sourceIdx]["sourceMask"] == 0)] = 0. print(" The min, max values for fg model are: {:03.4f}, {:03.4f}".format(np.min(fg_model), np.max(fg_model))) # extract spectrum of the source from the datacube fg_source_extent = np.max([fg_sources[sourceIdx]["a"], fg_sources[sourceIdx]["b"]]) bg_inner_rad = 1.1 * mask_size * (fg_source_extent + fg_sources[sourceIdx]["radiusFlux"]) bg_outer_rad = bg_inner_rad + (5. * fg_sources[sourceIdx]["radiusFlux"]) if bg_source: fg_flux_source, fg_err_flux_source, \ fg_bg_flux_source = manip.q_spectrum(datacopy, statcube=statcopy, x_pos=fg_sources["x"][sourceIdx], y_pos=fg_sources["y"][sourceIdx], radius_pos=fg_sources["radiusFlux"][sourceIdx], inner_rad=bg_inner_rad, outer_rad=bg_outer_rad, void_mask=fg_sources["contaminantMask"][sourceIdx]) else: fg_flux_source, fg_err_flux_source = manip.q_spectrum_no_bg(datacopy, statcube=statcopy, x_pos=fg_sources["x"][sourceIdx], y_pos=fg_sources["y"][sourceIdx], radius_pos=fg_sources[sourceIdx]["radiusFlux"]) fg_bg_flux_source = None keep_source = True if mask_xy_rad is not None: dist_from_masked = manip.pixel_dist(0., mask_y, mask_x, 0., np.array(fg_sources[sourceIdx]["y"]), np.array(fg_sources[sourceIdx]["x"])) if dist_from_masked < mask_xy_rad: keep_source = False print("cleanFg: Source not removed") print(" it is located {}<{} pixel away from the XYmask".format(dist_from_masked, mask_xy_rad)) if keep_source: for channel in range(0, z_max): # selecting only where the source is significantly detected if fg_flux_source[channel] > 0.5 * fg_err_flux_source[channel]: if bg_source: datacopy_clean[channel, :, :] -= ((fg_model * fg_flux_source[channel]) + ( fg_sources[sourceIdx]["sourceMask"] * fg_bg_flux_source[channel])) datacopy_model[channel, :, :] += ((fg_model * fg_flux_source[channel]) + ( fg_sources[sourceIdx]["sourceMask"] * fg_bg_flux_source[channel])) else: datacopy_clean[channel, :, :] -= (fg_model * fg_flux_source[channel]) datacopy_model[channel, :, :] += (fg_model * fg_flux_source[channel]) if deep_debug: print("clean_fg: Spectrum of the source {}".format(sourceIdx)) plt.figure(1, figsize=(18, 6)) ax_imag = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 0), colspan=1) ax_spec = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 1), colspan=2) temp_fg_model_xmin, temp_fg_model_xmax = int(fg_sources[sourceIdx]["x"] - bg_inner_rad), int( fg_sources[sourceIdx]["x"] + bg_inner_rad) temp_fg_model_ymin, temp_fg_model_ymax = int(fg_sources[sourceIdx]["y"] - bg_inner_rad), int( fg_sources[sourceIdx]["y"] + bg_inner_rad) temp_fg_model = np.copy( fg_model[temp_fg_model_ymin:temp_fg_model_ymax, temp_fg_model_xmin:temp_fg_model_xmax]) ax_imag.imshow(temp_fg_model, cmap="Greys", origin="lower", vmin=0., vmax=1. / (np.pi * rad_norm * rad_norm)) ax_imag.set_xlabel(r"X [Pixels]", size=30) ax_imag.set_ylabel(r"Y [Pixels]", size=30) ax_spec.plot(fg_flux_source, color='black', zorder=3, label='Flux') ax_spec.plot(fg_err_flux_source, color='gray', alpha=0.5, zorder=2, label='Error') if bg_source: ax_spec.plot(fg_bg_flux_source * (np.pi * rad_norm * rad_norm), color='red', alpha=0.5, zorder=1, label='b/g') ax_spec.legend() ax_spec.set_xlabel(r"Channel", size=30) ax_spec.set_ylabel(r"Flux", size=30) plt.tight_layout() plt.close() del temp_fg_model print("clean_fg: Source cleaning performed") if debug: print("clean_fg: Saving debug image on {}_fgSourcesCleaned.pdf".format(output)) fg_data_clean = manip.collapse_cube(datacopy_clean, mask_z=mask_z, min_lambda=min_lambda, max_lambda=max_lambda) plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 6)) ax_image = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 0), colspan=1) ax_clean = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 1), colspan=1) # Plotting field image ax_image.imshow(fg_data, cmap="Greys", origin="lower", vmin=fg_bg_flux - 3. * fg_bg_sigma, vmax=fg_bg_flux + 3. * fg_bg_sigma) ax_image.set_xlabel(r"X [Pixels]", size=30) ax_image.set_ylabel(r"Y [Pixels]", size=30) ax_image.set_title(r"Collapsed image") for sourceIdx in range(0, len(fg_sources)): fg_source_artist = Ellipse(xy=(fg_sources[sourceIdx]["x"], fg_sources[sourceIdx]["y"]), width=mask_size * fg_sources[sourceIdx]["a"], height=mask_size * fg_sources[sourceIdx]["b"], angle=fg_sources[sourceIdx]["theta"]) fg_source_artist.set_facecolor("none") fg_source_artist.set_edgecolor("red") fg_source_artist.set_alpha(0.8) ax_image.add_artist(fg_source_artist) # Plotting cleaned image ax_clean.imshow(fg_data_clean, cmap="Greys", origin="lower", vmin=fg_bg_flux - 3. * fg_bg_sigma, vmax=fg_bg_flux + 3. * fg_bg_sigma) ax_clean.set_xlabel(r"X [Pixels]", size=30) ax_clean.set_ylabel(r"Y [Pixels]", size=30) ax_clean.set_title(r"Cleaned image") plt.tight_layout() plt.savefig(output + "_fgSourcesCleaned.pdf", dpi=400., format="pdf", bbox_inches="tight") if show_debug: plt.close() print("clean_fg: Saving source list on {}_fgSources.txt".format(output)) f = open(output + "_fgSources.txt", 'w') f.write("Idx fgXPix fgYPix fgAPix fgBPix fgTheta\n") for sourceIdx in range(0, len(fg_sources)): f.write("{:.0f} {:.3f} {:.3f} {:.3f} {:.3f} {:.3f}\n".format(sourceIdx, fg_sources[sourceIdx]["x"], fg_sources[sourceIdx]["y"], fg_sources[sourceIdx]["a"], fg_sources[sourceIdx]["b"], fg_sources[sourceIdx]["theta"])) f.close() gc.collect() return datacopy_clean, datacopy_model, fg_sources
[docs]def create_psf(datacontainer, x_pos, y_pos, statcube=None, min_lambda=None, max_lambda=None, mask_z=None, radius_pos=2., inner_rad=10., outer_rad=15., rad_psf=50., c_type="sum", norm=True, debug=False, show_debug=False): """Given an IFUcube, or 3D data and variance arrays, the macro collapses it's data and variance along the z-axis between min_lambda and max_lambda. If mask_z is given, channels masked as 1 (or True) are removed. if c_type is set to 'average', the macro uses the stat information to perform a weighted mean along the velocity axis. In other words, each spaxel of the resulting image will be the weighted mean spectrum of that spaxels along the wavelengths. If norm is 'True' the macro normalize the flux of the PSF within radius_pos = 1. Parameters ---------- datacontainer : IFUcube Object, np.array data initiated in, or 3D data array x_pos : float x-location of the source in pixel y_pos : float y-location of the source in pixel statcube : np.array, optional variance data array, optional if headers is IFUcube min_lambda : int, optional min channel to create collapsed image (default is None) max_lambda : int, optional max channel to create collapsed image (default is None) mask_z : np.array array of channels, when 1 (or True), the channel is removed (default is None) radius_pos : float radius where to perform the aperture photometry (default is 2.) inner_rad : float inner radius of the background region in pixels (default is 10.) outer_rad : float outer radius of the background region in pixels (default is 15.) rad_psf : float radius of the PSF image to be created. Outside these pixels values are set to zero (default is 50.) c_type : str type of combination for PSF creation: 'average' is weighted average 'sum' is direct sum of all pixels norm : bool if 'True' normalizes the central regions of the PSF to 1 (default is True) debug, show_debug : boolean, optional runs debug sequence to display output of function (default False) Returns ------- psfData, psfStat : np.array PSF data and variance images """ print("create_psf: Creating PSF model") # accounts for IFUcube or two 3D arrays if statcube is None: if c_type == 'sum': print("create_psf: Summing channels") psf_data, psf_stat = manip.collapse_cube(datacontainer, min_lambda, max_lambda, mask_z=mask_z) else: print("create_psf: Average combining channels") psf_data, psf_stat = manip.collapse_mean_container(datacontainer, min_lambda, max_lambda) else: datacopy = np.copy(datacontainer) if c_type == 'sum': print("create_psf: Summing channels") psf_data = manip.collapse_cube(datacopy, min_lambda, max_lambda, mask_z=mask_z) psf_stat = manip.collapse_cube(statcube, min_lambda, max_lambda, mask_z=mask_z) else: print("create_psf: Average combining channels") psf_data, psf_stat = manip.collapse_mean_cube(datacontainer, statcube, min_lambda, max_lambda) psf_flux, psf_err_flux, psf_ave_flux = manip.quick_ap_photometry(psf_data, psf_stat, x_pos=x_pos, y_pos=y_pos, radius_pos=radius_pos, inner_rad=inner_rad, outer_rad=outer_rad) print("create_psf: Removing local background of {}".format(psf_ave_flux)) psf_data = psf_data - psf_ave_flux if norm: print("create_psf: Normalizing central region to 1") print(" (i.e. correcting for a factor {}".format(psf_flux)) psf_norm = psf_flux else: psf_norm = 1. psf_data, psf_stat = psf_data / psf_norm, psf_stat / (psf_norm ** 2.) print("create_psf: Creating circular mask around the position {}, {}".format(x_pos, y_pos)) psf_mask = manip.location(psf_data, x_position=x_pos, y_position=y_pos, semi_maj=rad_psf, semi_min=rad_psf) psf_data[(psf_mask == 0)] = 0. psf_stat[(psf_mask == 0)] = 0. if debug: print("create_psf: Creating debug images") manip.nice_plot() plt.figure(1, figsize=(12, 6)) ax_image = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 0), colspan=1) ax_stat = plt.subplot2grid((1, 2), (0, 1), colspan=1) # Plotting field image ax_image.imshow(psf_data, cmap="Greys", origin="lower", vmin=0., vmax=0.3 * np.nanmax(psf_data)) ax_image.set_xlabel(r"X [Pixels]", size=30) ax_image.set_ylabel(r"Y [Pixels]", size=30) ax_image.set_xlim(left=x_pos - rad_psf, right=x_pos + rad_psf) ax_image.set_ylim(bottom=y_pos - rad_psf, top=y_pos + rad_psf) ax_image.set_title(r"PSF model") inner_artist = Ellipse(xy=(x_pos, y_pos), width=inner_rad, height=inner_rad, angle=0.) inner_artist.set_facecolor("none") inner_artist.set_edgecolor("red") inner_artist.set_alpha(0.8) ax_image.add_artist(inner_artist) outer_artist = Ellipse(xy=(x_pos, y_pos), width=outer_rad, height=outer_rad, angle=0.) outer_artist.set_facecolor("none") outer_artist.set_edgecolor("red") outer_artist.set_alpha(0.8) ax_image.add_artist(outer_artist) # Plotting cleaned image x_plot_min = int(x_pos - inner_rad) x_plot_max = int(x_pos + inner_rad) y_plot_min = int(y_pos - inner_rad) y_plot_max = int(y_pos + inner_rad) ax_stat.imshow(psf_stat, cmap="Greys", origin="lower", vmin=np.nanmin(psf_stat[y_plot_min:y_plot_max, x_plot_min:x_plot_max]), vmax=0.5 * np.nanmax(psf_stat[y_plot_min:y_plot_max, x_plot_min:x_plot_max])) ax_stat.set_xlabel(r"X [Pixels]", size=30) ax_stat.set_ylabel(r"Y [Pixels]", size=30) ax_stat.set_xlim(left=x_pos - rad_psf, right=x_pos + rad_psf) ax_stat.set_ylim(bottom=y_pos - rad_psf, top=y_pos + rad_psf) ax_stat.set_title(r"PSF Variance") plt.tight_layout() if show_debug: plt.close() gc.collect() return psf_data, psf_stat
[docs]def clean_psf(datacontainer, psf_model, x_pos, y_pos, statcube=None, radius_pos=2., inner_rad=10., outer_rad=15., bg_psf=True, debug=False, show_debug=False): """Given a cube and a PSF model, the macro subtracts the PSF contribution along the wavelength axis. It assumes that the PSF model is normalized to one within rad_psf and that the PSF model is centered in the same location of the object you want to remove. This will be improved in the future. Parameters ---------- datacontainer : IFUcube object Data initialized in psf_model : np.array array from running makePsf to be reduced in this function x_pos : float x-location of the source in pixel y_pos : float y-location of the source in pixel statcube : np.array, optional 3D variance array, can be accessed from datacontainer if an IFUcube object is called radius_pos : float radius where to perform the aperture photometry to remove the PSF contribution (default is 2.) inner_rad : float inner radius of the background region in pixel (default is 10.) outer_rad : float outer radius of the background region in pixel (default is 15.) bg_psf : bool if True, an additional local background subtraction will be performed around the source (default is True) debug, show_debug : boolean, optional runs debug sequence to display output of function (default False) Returns ------- psf_cube, psf_cube_model : np.array PSF subtracted cube and PSF model cube """ print("clean_psf: PSF subtraction on cube") # accounts for IFUcube or two 3D arrays if statcube is None: psf_cube, statcopy = datacontainer.get_data_stat() else: psf_cube = np.copy(datacontainer) statcopy = np.copy(statcube) psf_cube_model = np.zeros_like(psf_cube) z_max, y_max, x_max = np.shape(psf_cube) print("clean_psf: The min, max values for PSF model are: {:03.4f}, {:03.4f}".format(np.min(psf_model), np.max(psf_model))) # extract spectrum of the source from the datacube if bg_psf: flux_source, err_flux_source, bg_flux_source = manip.q_spectrum(datacontainer=psf_cube, statcube=statcopy, x_pos=x_pos, y_pos=y_pos, radius_pos=radius_pos, inner_rad=inner_rad, outer_rad=outer_rad) else: flux_source, err_flux_source = manip.q_spectrum_no_bg(datacontainer=psf_cube, statcube=statcopy, x_pos=x_pos, y_pos=y_pos, radius_pos=radius_pos) bg_flux_source = np.zeros_like(flux_source) for channel in range(0, z_max): # selecting only where the source is significantly detected if flux_source[channel] > 0.5 * (err_flux_source[channel]): psf_cube[channel, :, :] -= ((psf_model * flux_source[channel]) + bg_flux_source[channel]) psf_cube_model[channel, :, :] += ((psf_model * flux_source[channel]) + bg_flux_source[channel]) if debug: print("clean_psf: Spectrum of the source") manip.nice_plot() plt.figure(1, figsize=(18, 6)) ax_imag = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 0), colspan=1) ax_spec = plt.subplot2grid((1, 3), (0, 1), colspan=2) model_temp_x_min, model_temp_x_max = int(x_pos - inner_rad), int(x_pos + inner_rad) model_temp_y_min, model_temp_y_max = int(y_pos - inner_rad), int(y_pos + inner_rad) model_temp = np.copy(psf_model[model_temp_y_min:model_temp_y_max, model_temp_x_min:model_temp_x_max]) ax_imag.imshow(model_temp, cmap="Greys", origin="lower", vmin=0., vmax=1. / (np.pi * radius_pos * radius_pos)) ax_imag.set_xlabel(r"X [Pixels]", size=30) ax_imag.set_ylabel(r"Y [Pixels]", size=30) ax_spec.plot(flux_source, color='black', zorder=3, label='Flux') ax_spec.plot(err_flux_source, color='gray', alpha=0.5, zorder=2, label='Error') if bg_psf: ax_spec.plot(bg_flux_source * (np.pi * radius_pos * radius_pos), color='red', alpha=0.5, zorder=1, label='b/g') ax_spec.legend() ax_spec.set_xlabel(r"Channel", size=30) ax_spec.set_ylabel(r"Flux", size=30) plt.tight_layout() if show_debug: plt.close() del model_temp print("clean_psf: PSF cleaning performed") gc.collect() return psf_cube, psf_cube_model